Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No Surgery and Sara was very sick

Sara got sick around April 8th and was vomiting a lot. It got to where she couldn't hold anything down. I took her to the doctor twice and the emergency room once. They told us that it was probably just a cold or sinuses and the drainage was making her vomit. They gave us a prescription for nausea and vomiting and told us to give her pedialyte. It didn't work at all she couldn't hold it down. Her surgery was cancelled. The night of April 28th she started a fever so I knew I was taking her to the doctor he next morning. When I got up, I went ahead and got my shower and got ready to go. When I went to get Sara up, her fever was 105.5, she was breathing hard and fast, she had vomited and was unresponsive. I called her dr and he said to bring her there before going to the er. So I threw some stuff in our bag because I knew she was headed to the er. We got to the doctors office and he said she needed to g to the er (duh yes I already knew this!) he came back in the room and said he had called an ambulance for her. Thank God my MIL was nearby to get Logan. I rode with Sara to the er, and she was getting worse and worse. She was clammy, her heart rate was 218. Still unresponsive. We got to the er and there were so many people working on her trying to get an iv started. Then shortly after we arrived she went into cardiac arrest for about five minutes. Her heart had electrical activity but no pulse to pump the blood. They started doing compressions and bagging her. I think I was shocked or God was keeping calm, because I knew what was going on and all I could do was stand there rubbing and kissing her foot praying for her not to die. Jason was on his way he was stuck in traffic and didn't get there till it was all over. He didn't know what was going on. They got her back and got several ivs started. The doctor kept saying she is very very sick. Once she was stable they moved her up to PICU and told us she was very sick and it would be 2-3 days before we would know if she would make it. Her kidneys weren't working properly, her stomach couldn't handle any food, she was on the hey told us she may have brain damage or need dialysis for her kidneys. Eventually she started getting better. Her doctors told us that only about 11% of people who experience what she did survive, and they had sent her to PICU not expecting her to live. All of the doctors said they were amazed at how well she was doing, that her story would be one they would remember. They finally got her off the vent, and she did great. They stopped the sedation and after a few days she woke up. She did not seem to recognize anyone or to be the same child for a few days. She got moved out to a regular room and finally returned to her old self. Seeing that first smile, getting that first kiss after all that happened was wonderful. She was laughing and happy just like before she got sick. She got to come home May 19th. She has been doing well ever since and now weighs 42lbs which is the most ever. Still smiling, laughing, hugging and kissing. She has even managed to say "I luh" when I asked if she was trying to say I love you, she said "yeeaaahhhh" and smiled! She is our little miracle and such a blessing. Poor Logan is afraid we will have to leave him again. He asks everyday if Sara has to go to the doctor or the hospital. He will be okay though. I missed my little man!

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